“I help you toward a life where fear and OCD no longer take control.”


Welcome to OCD Clarity. For over 15 years, I have struggled with severe OCD and generalized anxiety. I also experienced a long period of depression, which prevented me from enjoying life. But today, I am fully better, and I wish that for everyone! From a young age, I exhibited many unusual habits, was frequently anxious, and experienced complete emotional breakdowns several times a year. Despite this, I led a relatively normal life and thought many of my struggles were “normal” and simply part of life.

But it didn’t stop there. What began as occasional moments of anxiety during the month or week escalated into being relentlessly consumed by inexplicable feelings of fear 24/7. This marked the onset of a severe anxiety disorder, panic disorder, and OCD (Obsessive-Compulsive Disorder). I was bombarded with intense, intrusive, recurring, and unwanted thoughts, feelings, and urges (obsessions).

This was the beginning of a long journey with my fears and OCD. In 2019, the breaking point came when I had to board a plane to the U.S. for work. Standing in line at the airport, all my anxiety boiled over, resulting in a panic attack that lasted more than 10 hours while being “trapped” on the plane. At the time, I didn’t understand what was happening or what I was dealing with.

This was my “point of no return.” From that moment, I became extremely anxious, and several OCD themes began to take hold. For over three years, I experienced “Sensorimotor” OCD. I became fixated on my breathing, consciously aware of every inhale and exhale for three long years. Intrusive thoughts dominated my mind, leaving me feeling trapped in my own head. It was as though I was walking through life in a dream, losing not only my business and friends but, more importantly, my personality and identity.

Because I had always been perceived as “socially adept,” I felt a deep sense of shame about my condition and didn’t share my struggles with friends or family. OCD has a way of jumping between themes, and I also dealt with “Health,” “Harm,” “Relationship,” “Pure,” and “Somatic” OCD. No matter the topic, OCD can latch onto it.

I sought treatment at multiple clinics in the Netherlands for both my anxiety and OCD. However, because anxiety disorders and OCD are often misunderstood or misdiagnosed, and many therapies failed to provide lasting relief, I became convinced that recovery was impossible.

Yet, today, I am completely recovered from my anxiety and OCD. This was possible because I refused to give up hope and was determined to explore every possible way out of my situation. With the right knowledge, exposing yourself to your fears, changing your perspective on life, and seeking help, recovery is possible for everyone.

Help that works.

After my recovery, I decided to create this website to help others and to give hope that recovery is possible.

If you’ve read my full story, you know that I went through a long period of intense suffering, feeling isolated and believing I would never recover. I want to change that. My mission is to provide as much free information as possible about anxiety, panic, OCD, and the many issues they cause. My goal is to ensure you don’t have to wander aimlessly for as long as I did or receive years of ineffective treatment, but instead find your path to full recovery.

Not everyone needs to suffer as intensely or as long as I did. Perhaps you’re currently experiencing some symptoms that led you to this website. If your symptoms are mild, learning about anxiety and OCD and receiving support from a mental health professional, psychologist, or coach might help you feel better in a relatively short time.

However, it’s more likely that you’ve been struggling with your symptoms for some time. If that’s the case, you’ve probably realized that an anxiety disorder or OCD isn’t something you can quickly “fix.” Websites that promise: “Overcome your anxiety and/or OCD in 2 weeks,” “OCD HACKS,” or “Do these 5 things to free yourself from anxiety or OCD” simply don’t work. These might offer short-term relief from your symptoms, but true recovery won’t be the result. While you might feel temporarily better, deep down, you know this isn’t the solution because you still don’t feel truly well.

You can’t set a hard deadline for recovery. For some, it happens faster than for others. True recovery requires much more than just a few tricks to “get rid” of your condition.

I’ve always been highly motivated to recover. I went from one therapist to another in the Netherlands. During numerous sessions with specialists and psychologists, I explained my symptoms in detail, but I never found lasting relief. After those sessions, I sometimes felt better for an hour, only to have my symptoms return in full force.

Ultimately, it was through speaking extensively with experts on anxiety and OCD from around the world that I received the right tools to recover. For two years, I immersed myself in recovery, studying anxiety disorders and OCD in depth. As a result, I now understand anxiety and OCD down to the smallest detail—not just in theory, but also because I’ve lived it myself.

By learning the right tools, gaining new insights into life, and studying different theories like ACT (Acceptance and Commitment Therapy), I’ve reached where I am today: 100% recovered.

I’ve also created a YouTube channel where I explore new topics and dive deeper into explaining anxiety and OCD. You can find more resources on my Instagram, TikTok and Facebook page.

To start getting better, I advise watching my first videos on YouTube. In addition, I have created a step-by-step action plan to guide you—a roadmap of getting better of OCD.

If you’re interested, coaching is also available. Visit the contact page or send me a message via WhatsApp to get in touch